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Name Resolution
Please see resolve/resolution.
Name Server
A name server is another name for a Domain Name Server. A domain name server is responsible for storing and/or distributing zone file information on the Internet. Connecting to a web site on the Internet using your web browser typically involves name servers on the Internet communicating and translating domnamdomain names to their corresponding IP Addresses.
A Network is a system of interconnected computers and/or other networkable devices that can all communicate with one another. A network may stand alone, or may be connected to the Internet or another network.
Offers the following domain extentions: .agent, .arts, .chat, .auction, .club, .church, .family, .free, .game, .gmbh, .golf, .inc, .llc, .ltd, .law, .love, .kids, .llp, .med, .mp3, .scifi, .sport, .video, .shop, .school, .soc, .travel, .tech and .xxx domain names extentions. These are NOT TLD (Top Level Domain) names and will require the user to have a special DNS listing on the compter to view the domain.
The acronym NIC stands for Network Information Center, which is a general term for any organization or group that provides information, services and/or registry services to the general public.
NIC Handle
A NIC handle is the account identifier used by Network Solutions, Inc. for tracking and customer contact purposes.
NIC Tracking Number
A NIC Tracking Number is an identifier used by Network Solutions, Inc. in the processing of domain name reginregistrations and modifications.
Nslookup is an application that allows a user to enter a domain name in order to determine the IP Address that is associated with that domain name. For example, if were entered, it would be translated into