Possession Studios™ Internet Glossary

Welcome to our Internet Glossary. This glossary of internet related terms was created to help our customer better understand the online world. Feel free to send us additions, correction and so on. We want to make the glossary as useable to everyone as possible.

"Knowledge is nothing, if no one knows what your talking about."


16 Terms Available.
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Reverse DNS Lookup
Reverse DNS (Domain Name System) lookup is a process by which an Internet user queries an IP Address to map it to the domain name that is associated with it. See NSlookup.
The root domain is the top of the hierarchy of the domain name space. The root domain, which is often represented by "." is the sum total of all domain name space available on the Internet.
Root Cache
The root cache is the file on a root server that contains information about what Domain Name Servers are authoritative for domnamdomain names.
Root Domain
The root domain is the top of the hierarchy of the domain name space. The root domain, which is often represented by ".", is the sum total of all domain name space available on the Internet.
Root Server
A root server is a computer running software that enables it to maintain and distribute information about what Domain Name Servers are authoritative for domain names.
Root Server System
The root server system is a group of 13 file servers that contain a master list of domain names in the .com, .net and .org domains and the Domain Name Servers that are authoritative for them. These 13 servers are ultimately responsible for informing querying Domain Name Servers of where to find authoritative information for gTLD and where to locate the authoritative sources for ccTLD domain names. The 'A' root server is updated daily with new gTLD domain name registrations and their authoritative name servers, as well as modifications to existing domain names. The changes are then copied to the other 12 root servers.
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