Possession Studios™ has been providing graphic design services since 1991. Our specialty is in direct mail materials, packaging designs and website solutions. With an emphasis on professional photography, illustration and layout. Featuring the artwork and creativity of Bill Johnson.

Website Services:
Custom eCommerce, eBusiness and Private Hosting
Our website responsive interface designs include advanced WebDNA programming, as well as HTML and CSS to give the best look and highest cross-platform UX functionality available to your customers. The websites we design feature "Content Management System (CMS)" for remote content control. This CMS functions lets our customers to connect to their website from any web browser (including smart phones and tablets) and make changes to the content of the website at any time. Plus full social media integration and SEO management to help promote your online home.
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Direct Mail:
Catalogs, Magazines and Printed Marketing Materials
Our award winning catalog production services are world class, with over 200 published catalog titles. Then we can help develop a "Catalog Development Solution (CDS)" program for your company. The CDS Program, is our method of managing catalog projects which includes accurate time tables and production goals, to let us see the overall goal of the catalog so that the goal can be reached for the lowest cost and reap the highest pay back (ROI) for our customer. We can also create supporting marketing materials, such as magazine ads, fliers, promotional items and signage.
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Business Support:
and Marketing
We offer a variety of photography solutions for your projects. We offer high quality photography. Plus we offer both digital and hand illustrating services. We are experienced in still life drawing and custom concept illustrations. With our long track record of marketing implementation, which would not be possible if not for our strong understanding of asset management and internal organizational skills. We can help you establish your own marketing resource management system, or we can manage your marketing assets for you.
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